Saturday, April 26, 2008

"A superhero powered by heavy metal music..."

Many of you may be wondering why, in this age of sky-rocketing gas prices, environmental catastrophe, un-parallelled corporate corruption and shady election year shenanigans, would Number One Mom and I bring a child into such a crazy world.

I argue that those of you who would ask such things, obviously haven't watched this:


That's right True Believers! Next weekend, Ninja Embryo will be exposed in-utero, to the coolest (read: loudest) comic-book movie ever to hit movie screens since Michael Bay's crap-tacular transforming car flick.

I wonder, is it safe to expose un-born children to such high levels of CGI and Robert Downey Jr. at the same time?

1 comment:

  1. Heavy metal sounds harmless, but I've read exposure to Robert Downey Jr. during pregnancy may be hazardous to the fetus...and mother ;-)
