The Adventures of Ninja Boy

Born with knowledge of the ancient arts of stealth and secrecy, Ninja Boy, may either by the world's worst enemy, or its best hope...

Ninja Baby has arrived!

After a twenty-eight (!) hour labour, Ninja Baby arrived kicking and screaming into the world, at around 6:00 o'clock. He (yes it is indeed a boy) weighed in at a fit seven pounds, and when I say kicking, I personally observed NB deliver a stunningly technically accurate side-kick and center-level punch (thumb outside of fist instead of inside) while the doctors and nurses worked on him at the incubator. A natural born martial artist, perhaps?

I call this his "Bill the Cat Face"... "ack" indeed!

I call this his "James Brown" face.

Number One Mom & Dad with Ninja Baby.

Number One Mom knit him this nice sweater. Big shout out to Non-Asian Sister-In-Law who knit NB a nice warm burgundy cap.


(PS: For those of you who know NB's real name, we are kindly asking that you do not use it on anything that will end up on an Internet blog or Facebook page. Feel free to use "Ninja Baby" from now on. Thanks.)


Liz K. said...

Oh, T! He is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your husband!

And as a 24+ labor soul-sister, I say to you, bless you, it is over!

Jenni said...

Pictures - Woot! First impression: ninja baby looks like Dad. Second impression: woa, I can totally see number-one mom in ninja baby, too. A good mix, to be sure! Congrats again.

Barbit said...

Wow, that's a long labor. Congrats!! He's beautiful!

Sarah said...

Sarah told me how to get to this site - Isaac is adorable of course - it is fun to see some different pictures! You do know that Angie and Steve are first cousins once removed - not aunt and uncle to the baby. He is getting cuter by the minute! Nana Melanie

Nana said...

will you please send me these photos? Thanks! Melanie Also what is with the time tag on this blog? It is out by several hours!