The Adventures of Ninja Boy

Born with knowledge of the ancient arts of stealth and secrecy, Ninja Boy, may either by the world's worst enemy, or its best hope...

Daddy Goes Solo

Today, Number One Mom enjoyed a rare day off from parenting duties. She and Auntie Sarah went to a day long knitting seminar while Number One Dad stayed home with both Ninja Baby and Keeper. Mom was nice enough to leave a written outline of NB's playing, eating and napping routine, and Dad was thankful for the reference.

NB enjoyed a breakfast consisting of a mixture of baby cereal and pureed carrots, which he wolfed down in quick order. Ditto for lunch of avocado and baby formula. He was packing it away.

In between play times and during nap times Dad was able to:

  • Clean the kitchen and dining room
  • Sort the living room
  • Prep the new rock garden bed
  • Beat two major bosses in Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
  • Watch the commentary for the deluxe edition of L.A. Confidential
  • Move NB's Evenflow Play Center up one level to account for baby growth
  • Launder NB's vast loads of dirty diapers
Not to brag, but I am pretty good at this whole parenting thing.

A word about diapers. Now that NB is eating solid food the resulting poop turds are literally scaring the heck out of me. Seriously, my adrenaline levels spike at the thought of changing one of the kid's hot, loaded diapers, similar to what Kamikaze pilots must have felt during the Battle of Midway.

It's a bit shameful to admit, but I put it out there 'cause I want to hear from other moms and dads. Do/Did you feel the same way about poopy diapers? I'm interested in hearing your experiences. I'm not looking for reassurance, or advice; I just want to hear your stories about poopy diapers. Feel free to respond in the comments section.

Swimming, swimming - oh wait

Once NB gets some of these actions coordinated it won't look like he is trying to swim across the floor, but will be speeding along.

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We have been remiss posting pictures of NB lately, here are some other photos.