The Adventures of Ninja Boy

Born with knowledge of the ancient arts of stealth and secrecy, Ninja Boy, may either by the world's worst enemy, or its best hope...

Daddy Goes Solo

Today, Number One Mom enjoyed a rare day off from parenting duties. She and Auntie Sarah went to a day long knitting seminar while Number One Dad stayed home with both Ninja Baby and Keeper. Mom was nice enough to leave a written outline of NB's playing, eating and napping routine, and Dad was thankful for the reference.

NB enjoyed a breakfast consisting of a mixture of baby cereal and pureed carrots, which he wolfed down in quick order. Ditto for lunch of avocado and baby formula. He was packing it away.

In between play times and during nap times Dad was able to:

  • Clean the kitchen and dining room
  • Sort the living room
  • Prep the new rock garden bed
  • Beat two major bosses in Prince of Persia: Rival Swords
  • Watch the commentary for the deluxe edition of L.A. Confidential
  • Move NB's Evenflow Play Center up one level to account for baby growth
  • Launder NB's vast loads of dirty diapers
Not to brag, but I am pretty good at this whole parenting thing.

A word about diapers. Now that NB is eating solid food the resulting poop turds are literally scaring the heck out of me. Seriously, my adrenaline levels spike at the thought of changing one of the kid's hot, loaded diapers, similar to what Kamikaze pilots must have felt during the Battle of Midway.

It's a bit shameful to admit, but I put it out there 'cause I want to hear from other moms and dads. Do/Did you feel the same way about poopy diapers? I'm interested in hearing your experiences. I'm not looking for reassurance, or advice; I just want to hear your stories about poopy diapers. Feel free to respond in the comments section.


Jenni said...

Of Toddler Jeneric's first solid food poop, Eric asked if we couldn't keep on with the breastmilk-only thing for a few more years... Hah!

But no, solid-food poops are great! Not mushy, squishy. They roll right into the toilet. Fantastic!

Barbit said...

Sometimes Gianna still has accidents and I have the routine down for a poop accident. First, move said child to the bathtub, fully clothed. Second, make sure towels are handy. Third, take a *deep* breath in ('cause you won't be breathing for the next 3 mins), and start stripping off those clothes. Poop gets everywhere, down her leg on your hands, you feel like you might vomit. Next, try to get that poop in the underwear to go down the toilet, even if that means swishing it around in the toilet water with your hands (urge to puke rising!). Put poopy underwear in sink with hot bleach water to soak and deal with later. Finally, take the shower sprayer and spray those leftover chunks of poo stuck to her butt down the drain. Trying to wipe them off just makes more of a mess. Once the tot is rinsed, get a baby wipe and make sure you didn't miss any in the crack. Dry off the kid, tell them it's OK, dress them in fresh clothes, rinse down the tub (with bleach!), and go drink a beer b/c you earned it!

Priscilla Hockin Brown said...

Ah poop.

Spiderman was in the NICU for 32 hours and had to stay an extra day for tests after that so I never saw merconium.

I had this misfortune of the 1-week growth spurth where he was nursing every hour for 14 hours. His poop was fluorescent green. It really freaked me out.

But he wasn't done with me yet. In mid-July, my guy was 2 months old and I went to change his diaper. Guess what I saw? Blood! Yes, something you never want to see. Thus beginneth my 1 year without dairy. We introduced dairy at 6 -months....blood. Bright red and heart-breaking.

His solid-food poop was greatly delayed since he had decided that food only came from mom (in the natural form - no bottles, please). By 10-months he had the equivilent of 1/2 piece of fruit and 12 Cheerios. Seriously.

In July 2008, we were in Versailles Palace. Spidy wanted to nurse so my non-French speaking husband went ahead too look around. After about 40 min., I knew he was lost; Versailles is about as busy as Penn Station is at rush hour. THEN Spidy had a poop-plusion. But wait, my missing husband had the ticket for the bag check. Alas I was a drift. The monitors rushed over when they noticed the poop up Spidy's back and on my arms. They take poop serious when you are around priceless paintings & furnishings. The nice lady took my through closed off rooms of Versailles since it was the fasted way to get to a bathroom.

poop-plosion = limited access backstage pass.