The Adventures of Ninja Boy

Born with knowledge of the ancient arts of stealth and secrecy, Ninja Boy, may either by the world's worst enemy, or its best hope...

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Halloween brought a little jack o lantern into our house. Instead of coming up with a catchy title to the picture below, I want to see what you are faithful readers have.


Just another shot,

Costume courtesy of Nana who made the costume 20 years ago for Aunt Sarah. Wow I didn't realize it was that old until now.


Barbit said...

Keeper does not seem to like that costume. That seems like a judgmental double-take you'd get from, say, your mother-in-law or a German that caught you jaywalking.

But I disagree with Keeper, NB makes an adorable pumpkin

Jenni said...

"What you talkin' 'bout kid?"

Aunty Sia said...

Great Balls of Pumpkins